dijous, 7 de març del 2013


Diversas, indignadas, rebeldes, luchadoras incansables, las mujeres son sujetos estratégicos en la transformación política y social. Desde distintos espacios organizativos construyen para la sociedad en su conjunto alternativas viables y necesarias al actual modelo de desarrollo, en el que la lógica de mercado se impone sobre los derechos de las personas y los pueblos. Hoy, las luchas y reivindicaciones de los feminismos son más pertinentes y estratégicas si cabe. Nos brindan una mirada plural e integral, nos permiten tomar conciencia crítica de la desigualdad y ofrecen propuestas concretas a los retos que impone esta crisis de civilización.

Ane Garay y Ainara Arrieta

La libanesa Joumana Haddad, poetessa, periodista i activista defensora dels drets de les dones, va escriure la lletra d’aquest poema,  I AM A WOMEN, musicat i interpretat per l’ arpista alemanya Maria Palatine. Aquest homenatge a les dones àrabs que pateixen la imposició d’un sistema inspirat en els valors del patriarcat i el militarisme, ens mostra els espais de resistència i rebel·lia, de lluita i de llibertat, que han anat construint des de la consciència de negar-se a no ser.

L'administradora del bloc

Nobody can guess
what I say when I am silent
whom I see when I close my eyes
how I'm carried away when I am carried away
what I search for when I stretch out my hands.

Nobody, nobody knows
when I'm hungry,
when I take a journey,
when I walk and when I am lost.
And nobody knows
that my going is a return
and my return is an abstention.

I am a woman.
They think they own my freedom.
I let them think so
and I happen.

And nobody knows
that my weakness is a mask
and my strength is a mask
and that what is coming is a tempest.
They think they know
So let them think so
and I happen.

They put me in a cage so that
my freedom may be a gift from them
and I have to thank them and obey.
But I'm free before them, after them,
with them, without them.
I'm free in my oppression, in my defeat.
My prison is what I want.

I am a woman.
They think they own my freedom.
I let them think so
and I happen.

My prison is what I want.
The key to the prison may be their tongue,
but their tongue is twisted around my desire's fingers,
and my desire they can never command.
I am a woman.
They think they own my freedom.
I let them think so
and I happen. 

Song written by Lebanese poet Joumana Haddad -- Put to music and performed by German artist Maria Palatine.


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